If you have a Safeguarding or Health & Safety incident to report please contact Lorraine Hancock on 0116 4970673 or email [email protected]

Development Trading has clearly defined responsibilities under the Children Act 1989 and 2004, Department for Education (DfE) Working Together to Safeguard Children, including Safeguarding Service Children and Young People (JSP 834) and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (JSP 893) and will follow legislative and statutory guidance for all learners and vulnerable adults.

At Development Trading, we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for you and aim to safeguard and protect you from harm including preventing you from being radicalised and drawn into extremist behaviour.

We will ensure you have equality of opportunity and help you to develop a feeling of self- confidence and self-worth. We recognise your fundamental right to be protected from harm, exploitation and discrimination. You can be confident that any concerns you may have will be listened to and acted upon. You can be assured that Development Trading will ensure that all staff, Board Members and contractors understand the importance of working in partnership with you and your employer to support and promote your welfare.

As part of our responsibilities, we promote the Prevent strategy. Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism, it is one of the four elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming drawn into or supporting terrorism.

At the heart of Prevent is safeguarding children and adults and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity.

Prevent addresses all forms of terrorism, but continues to ensure resources and effort are allocated on the basis of threats to our national security.

Prevent is included in our Safeguarding requirements. We ensure that staff and students are aware of the risks of radicalisation and/or involvement in violent or non-violent extremist activities and will support anyone thought to be at risk of becoming involved.

During your apprenticeship, you will witness staff promoting equality of opportunity and diversity in teaching and learning, through opportunities in lessons and in your learning environment. This is done to raise your awareness of Fundamental British Values (FBV). The Department for Education’s five-part definition of British Values includes:

  • Democracy: making decisions together, for example giving opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued
  • Rule of law: understanding that rules matter; for example, collaborating with learners to create rules and codes of behaviour
  • Individual liberty: freedom for all, for example reflecting on difference and understanding we are free to express different opinions
  • Mutual respect and tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated, for example sharing and respecting other’s opinions.

TDF will actively promote these values, and we will embed them into your coursework. Further information can be found in our Safeguarding and Prevent policies, both of which are on our website.

If at any point during your course you are worried, concerned, or need support or assistance, your first point of contact should be your allocated Apprenticeship Trainer.

If you have a Safeguarding or Health & Safety incident to report please contact Lorraine Hancock: 0116 4970673 or email: [email protected]